i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here:
Serene: Thanks babe!
I bought mine from bugis street 2nd level,
they have these 10/box falsies!
Nadnut: Heheh, you love anything with cats on it huh!
ikea next next week! hehehe
Passerby123: Yeah! i cried so much when he ditched her
and felt so heartbroken for her!
Passerbyeeeee: Eeeeeer, USD LUH! LOL!
Huanlin: Eh? Did you bring it back to LG?
Faye: It's ok-ok luh, bimbo phone! Hahahas
Joyce: Yup!
Nana: Oooooh! I'll check it out! Thanks dear! (:
SillyP: Hashahas, starting a book is eeer, kinda crazy!
Hahahahs, but thanks babe!
Eyey: If i don't have, you ask me i also won't know right? lol
Esther: Ahhh, thanks babe hahahs
Mick: Lol, i'm not perfect my dear.
Just because i'm a blogger doesn't mean
i have to look perfect and bone-skinny right?
Hhh: Lol, oh come on, you bitter child.
Do you even understand the term creative makeup shoot?
And my clevage is just there, don't like to see it?
then i suggest you to not visit my blog anymore,
cos i just can't please everyone, happy? (:
Madna: lol, i didnt even realise that until
you say the 3 hours thingy!
Emily: Hahahas, go do luh!
While there's promotion faster go try at Milly's! (:
Hollyjean: Hahahas, okay babe!
So did you redo your extensions the other day?
Jane: Hahahas, actually i don't really rmb!
That hair dye was like last year and from
then i dyed my hair soooo many times already!
Sorry babe! :x Maybe you can download the picture
into your phone and go to Clover and tell
Raymond you wanna do this hairdye!
Guest: Sure! On my next post prolly! (:
Serene: Hello babe~
Dd: It's okay lah, actually it's not really a blusher,
after you apply the benetint you have to go over
with a layer of your normal blusher!
Order online! it's much cheaper~
Passerby123: Hahahas, 15 years old i think?
That time i was still "experimenting" with makeup hahahas
so still look like crap! :x
Cher: Hey dear, i'm not sure,
i'll check again and update the post with the prices ok! (:
Pp: Excuse me, You mean you will never have a boyf
if you don't have to intention of getting married?
And there's really no point, when you're not even
financially stable what for think of getting married? lol.
AND BTW, i'm 18, not 28.
So young think of getting married for what?!
Joojoo: Hello babe, i did it at Milly's!
Leanne: Erm, no mascara! Hahahas
Can't use mascara, i did the dramatic type.
Ash: Hey babe, np! It's actually a eye essence to treat dark eye rings,
and it's a concealer as well!
Serene: Eeeer, relax relax!
Hahahs, no need to drag other bloggers into this babe,
i'm sure this "hhh" is just some bitter kid who craves attention
So i'd rather ignore "hhh". Can't please everyone yeah. lol.
Jeanine: Hey babe, emailed you! hehe
Anon: Erm, i've no idea actually :x
i dislike people dragging other bloggers in to compare and stuff as well.
Mm: It's ok! Just use makeup wipes!
Hehehe, i just ordered some stuff for fel & Shirley for V'day~
I reaaaaaaally hope they arrive before v'day! *cross all my fingers!*
Remember to meet me before V'day darlings! ^-^
Worked at Sentosa Cove at the Volvo Ocean Race last Wednesday!
Was working for Sony Ericsson~
Had to go down to the agent's office for briefing
so i rushed over after my presentation in school!
Hahahahas, i was like blabbering on and on during the presentation.
Anyway, Jessica was suppose to come for the briefing as well,
but she couldn't at the last min, so we tried on the uniform,
and waited for the other girls to arrive and
Some smelly girl named maryann was super late lor!
so we went to sentosa cove for the briefing!
It was damn annoying please,
i swear we stand around doing nothing but waiting aimlessly
for like 1hour plus for whoever to come and brief us?
Then FINAAAAAALLY ask us go briefing,
then my in-charge totally ignored me (which was kinda rude i think!)
and then i was like standing in the room like an idiot
waiting for him to actually START briefing me,
afterall i've been waiting for like 1hour plus
and i'm sooooo annoyed already!
Then he suddenly ask me to do some stupid things like
help him peel the sticker/protecter off
the Sony Ericsson phone and stuff..
WTFFFFF, faster finish briefing then i faster can go luh!
still ask me do stupid things -.-
then maryann came into the room and joined me
and we were wearing the same WTF-expression.
While the "in-charge" ask me to continue peeling sticker etc. o.0
Then he start "briefing me" and he only said:
"All you have to do tmr is showcase the phone,
take picture with the phone for the media/press,
showcase the walkman function"
Really waste of my time can,
wait around for so long for him to "brief" me,
which is really very very, SHORT?
i was soooo freaking tired/hungry already luh!
We had to reach harbourfront at 7am.. zZz..
..Zzz..I woke up at 5.30am to do my makeup.. zZz..
BUT in the end still no time to take train,
so i called for a cab anyway!
We were camwhoring at the portable toilet at the event!
Hahahahs, the toilet is damn poshy please.
jessica took the pictures with her cam but she didnt send me!
the portable toilet, got like air-con,
digital photoframe showcasing the volvo racing team
so we can see while we're peeing/shitting/whatever
weird stuff you do in the toilet.

The jobscope is like super simple and like super slack,
started work at 8plus and ended at around 6!
We only had to showcase the phones whenever
there are people and they kinda come in groups,
so me and maryann was like slacking around and
chit chatting at the lounge area for like 2-3 hours!

Went out with Gweeeeeeeenie yesterday!
I'm so annoyed with myself, pouts.
i brought my camera out but i forgot to take pictures with her!
@#$%^& She's so busy i see her like once a yeeeeear?!
Hehe, but i still love my crazy friend!
never use flash also can get overexposed like that. Tsk.
But why always take picture then become REEEEED?!
We had lunch, shopped, bitch about our boyfs (LOL)
i bought a foundation for mummy as her b'day present,
a pink/gold bag for myself, another doggie book
(which i finished in half a day!), and a Hello Kitty toothbrush cover!
I looooove the bag!
It's like hugeeeeee, so i can chuck everything in there!
Especially when i'm shopping alone,
no boyf to help me carry my loots!
Hehehe, everything throw in the bag.
..and plus it's on saaaaale! <3>
Came home and found a big package sitting on my desk!
Couldn't rmb what did i buy that's so big also luh~
It's my hoodie and handcreams set from Victoria Secret!
Omg i love BOTH the hoodie and the handcreams!
Smell so nice and my skin feels suuuuuper smooth
when i slather it on after bathing!
was super sweet to send me a surprise!
I was really surprised to receive ANOTHER package
in my mailbox from Hollyhoque!

Visit Hollyhoque to satisfy your online shopping cravings now~
Ahhh, i am soooo tired, did spring cleaning for my room today!
then went to cellgroup at night!
And i took like 3 hours to blog today, lol!
Gonna go get some sleep and study for my Econs paper on sat!
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves! (:
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